Pressiteade FiltaFry, Emsbüren, 12.03.2019

Philipp Kastan, the first Austrian FiltaFry partner beginning in Tirol a year ago, is now offering this unique mobile fryer service to Viennese restaurateurs.

Along with his new employees, he is taking on all fryer jobs in the area: filtering the used oil on a micro basis, professionally cleaning the fryers as well as exchanging the oil and disposing of it professionally and in an environmentally-friendly way.

Saving costs – protecting the environment

“Thanks to FiltaFry, our customers, including hotels, restaurants, furniture stores and caterers, always have flawless oil and clean fryers”, says Kastan. He summarises the benefits thus: “In addition they save costs and time, relieve their staff of these duties and make a measurable contribution to more sustainability in their kitchens.”

New: Replacement service for refrigerator seals

Kastan supplements his fryer management with a new unrivalled service in gastronomy and food retailing: With Fit-A-Seal, he manufactures and replaces seals for refrigerators, freezers and cold storage rooms directly on location. What is particularly special about this is that customers must no longer wait weeks at a time when they have to exchange defect or aging refrigerator seals. Kastan can get it done on site within 10 working days, without requiring several site visits.

Should you wish to experience the FiltaFry service live and without obligation to purchase, the company offers a free on-site DEMO – the special hotline is 0800 080030.

Photo 1: Georg Seitz begins as the first employee in Vienna for FiltaFry Austria Photo 1: Georg Seitz begins as the first employee in Vienna for FiltaFry Austria

Photo 2: Philipp Kastan (left) establishes FiltaFry Vienna, here with Jos van Aalst (right), Managing Director FiltaFry Deutschland Photo 2: Philipp Kastan (left) establishes FiltaFry Vienna, here with Jos van Aalst (right), Managing Director FiltaFry Deutschland

FiltaFry kohta

FiltaFry on spetsialiseerunud fritüüride haldusele alates 1996. aastast ja tegutseb nüüd mitmes riigis. FiltaFry on olnud Eestis alates 2020 aastast ja on seni ainus teenindusettevõte, mis pakub mobiilse täisteenusena fritüüride haldamist.

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